Student Athletes and Immune Health

Illness is the second most common reason (after injury) athletes miss training and competition. A student athlete’s ability to be and stay well is of utmost importance now more than ever. In this article we’ll cover what science has to say about healthy immune function in athletes, while helping them build their inner defense system and resiliency.

By Jill Lane

Dynamic Stretching Improves Tennis Performance in Junior Players

Everyone knows that having young athletes warm up before exercise is essential in practically every sport. But now, research shows that the type of stretching that’s performed can actually improve athletic performance. In a Spanish study of junior tennis players, a warmup including the static stretches that many parents will remember doing when they were young led to poorer performance than a warmup based on dynamic stretching.

By Greg Gargiulo

Are You Into The Prodigy Sports?

What do I mean by the prodigy sports? Specifically, I’m talking about sports that involve adolescents and younger who are specializing in only one sport. Tennis, figure skating, gymnastics, swimming, soccer, ballet, and volleyball are all examples of these prodigy sports. It’s not uncommon for me to see young figure skaters under the age of 10 already skating every day. They simply are not interested in other sports. But specializing at such a young age can have disadvantages, namely overuse and repetitive motion injuries.

By Dr. Bob Weil

Top 2 Sports Training Myths

Since the early 1970s when professional sports organizations and universities began to realize the importance of strength training for injury prevention and performance improvement, we have been continually inundated with the latest “breakthroughs.”

By Jay Vincent

The Psychology of Sports: The Death of Self-Esteem

In my experience, confidence is achieved through repeated experiences of success. But what is success? Success comes from the satisfaction and pride of completing a task and/or reaching a goal. If this is true, that experiencing “success” comes from reaching a goal or completing a task, then contrarily, the experience of failure comes from incompletion – not reaching a goal, from quitting before the task is finished.

by Robin Quinn Keehn